

FastTyper EscapeTheLava TouchdownKing FlyCatcher DrawPixels WorldCupQuiz BurnMatches MatchAnimals FortuneBall KnifeBreak BouncingSquirrel TropicPirateTreasure BubblesFive SandWorm KnifeFlip TapDashTap TrainGenerationVS 4pics1word PatrolBypass DentistDoctorTeeth BallInTheCup RabbitJump KungFuMaster Archery LittleWorldJellys SantasLastMinutePresents Flog.m TajisClimb DontCutYourself OffRoadClimber DribbleKings LoveTester RunIntoDeath BeeHoney NutsForWinter WesternSheriff IceCream ApachiriRun LineFollower ZombieSmash NeonTankBattle AnimalsAirFight AttackOnHumans FlyingChicken FootballHeroes ChickRush HungryFrog CandyConnect

HTML5 Games by an independent Game Developer and Designer.

Hello, I'm Tobiasz Brzezinski

I can make your game from scratch or by using one of my many made games and make it as you want.
My service as an independent Game Developer includes small games which can be made in 2-3 days or big ones which can take 2-4 weeks or more.
I prefer to work with the game creation software Construct 2 made by Scirra which is easy to learn but has
no limitations in the 2d genre and makes game creation very fast.
If you wish I can use any JavaScript library, my preferable second choise is
With this software I can create platform independent games.
This means I can create HTML5 Games, Steam Games, Games for Android Play Store or iPhone App Store etc.

Please contact me if you have something in mind.

Contact me here about anything: